As we age, everyone feels changes and experiences challenges. Some of us more than others. Some challenges are physical, causing us to modify our activities or quit participating entirely. Emotional changes can stop us from enjoying our relationships with family and friends. Cognitive deficiencies may gradually rob us of ourselves. Meanwhile, our caregivers have to live with our changes as well as their own.
Many of us turn to downsizing our living situations to adjust. But how can we find the time and energy when we have so many distractions and responsibilities? Dozens of Georgetown seniors learned eye-opening answers on Thursday, June 9 when Seniors Living Smarter Seminars presented “Downsizing with Challenges.”
I served as host and also provided insights as a Certified Senior Downsizing Coach.Panelists included Sarah Hyde-Williams, Elder Care Consultant/Dementia Educator with Senior Living Advisors of Austin and Stephanie Hernandez, Assistant Administrator for Wesleyan Homes, Assisted Living.
During the 90-minute session captured on Youtube video*, we discussed serious issues pertaining to where to live with challenges:
• Addressing the needs of both life partners, together or separately.
• Finding out what support and assistance may be available to you.
• Discovering the importance of gathering involvement of family, even if they are far from home.
• Realizing the urgency of planning ahead before any crisis or challenges
Seniors Living Smarter Seminars are hosted on the second Thursday of every month at McKinney Christian Ministry Center, 1205 Ash Street, Georgetown, on the First Methodist Church Campus. You may register online at Seniors Living Smarter Seminars. The goal of the free seminars is to equip, educate, and inspire seniors to make informed choices and empowered decisions concerning their lifestyle goals. Seminars are sponsored by Visiting Angels, Wesleyan Homes, Vera Bank, Northstar Georgetown and Seniors Living Smarter Services.
The next seminar will be presented on Thursday, July 14 — the topic is “Embracing Technology — Don’t Be Left Behind.” Registration is accepted online at Seniors Living Smarter/Seminars or call 512-862-7339 and leave a message.
*Please note that the sound quality is not up to our usual standards, due to the need to present in the gymnasium instead of our usual meeting room.