“Downsizing” has become a popular buzzword in senior circles. The thought of downsizing can draw positive and/or negative reactions – freeing and energizing you to start a new chapter of life or overwhelming you at the thought of what needs to be done to accomplish the end goal. That’s why a highly motivated audience of over 50 seniors joined us on March 10 for our Seniors Living Smarter Seminar: “Taking the Overwhelm Out of Downsizing.”
Our experts included a move manager and a senior who has downsized, exploring the many facets of the process including preparing for the move, the move itself, and the setting up afterwards. Topics included:
• Why is a downsizing move that much different than any other move?
• I can do this myself, can’t I? Or do I really need a professional?
• What does a move manager do? How can a move manager help me?
Seniors Living Smarter Seminars are hosted on the second Thursday of every month at McKinney Christian Ministry Center, 1205 Ash Street, Georgetown, on the First Methodist Church Campus. You may register online at Seniors Living Smarter Seminars. The goal of the free seminars is to equip, educate, and inspire seniors to make informed choices and empowered decisions concerning their lifestyle goals. Seminars are sponsored by Visiting Angels, Wesleyan Homes, Vera Bank, Northstar Georgetown and Seniors Living Smarter Services.
The next seminar will be presented on Thursday, April 14 — the topic is “Cut The Clutter — Getting Your Stuff Under Control.” Registration is accepted online at Seniors Living Smarter/Seminars or call 512-862-7339 and leave a message.